Friday 27 September 2013

Chapter three, part five.

Sometimes I wonder what did I ever see in him? Not just one of the boys but any of them. I gave up everything for him once! I quit my job! Which I regret massively, why did I put so much into something so unpredictable? Am I just stupid? Or do I have so much love to give that I will sacrifice so much in order to get love in return? I let some boy talk about the future with me and then all of a sudden I let my imagination run wild and I drop everything for them. What a big mistake! What made me think he was different to the others? What made me think that I could let my guard down and trust him? He's just as pathetic as the rest of the them.

All pretending like I can trust them, and then showing their real colours a little too late. I can't believe I quit my job for him! i've learnt from it now though, felt like once we broke up it just dragged on, constantly ringing and texting each other like we had something to save... Which we didn't. Feel like meeting him has made me backtrack on things I never thought I would but I can't be blamed.

I thought I was doing fine with no boyfriend before I met him and then I relied on him like he was the air that I breathed. I don't need him! I don't need any of them. Thought I could tell the differences between someone genuily being nice and someone who's just after one thing... Turns out I was wrong. So yet again I've wasted my time with another boy, don't act surprised like you weren't waiting for it to happen... Because I'm not. I'm not surprised I got drawn in and I'm not surprised I got hurt. I don't think anything bad surprises me anymore. When will my luck changed?

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