Monday 16 September 2013

Chapter three, part one.

Now for another adventure, another move and another chapter to create. It's been a while since I put pen to paper and wrote down my thoughts. Since writing my blog online and having more views then I could imagine I thought it was time to test my bravery. I wrote my other parts of my blog a while ago when my head was in a different place and now I want to see if I can still write like before. I know my life is far from perfect but I feel as though I have came along way from my teenage years. In a months time I won't be a teenager anymore so now I can't blame my mood swings on just being a teenager... Lets find a new excuse.

It's crazy how 18 is classed as an adult but yet technically your still a teenager until 20? Strange how people say grow up but yet your still in the middle of an adult and a child. I sometimes think I'm an adult until I realise I still live with my mum and until I move out I will still be a kid, as everyone will always be a kid in their parents eyes. To think at my age my mum had a mortgage and was pregnant with her first child, oh how times have changed. I can't imagine my mum ever being young... But then again I can't imagine me becoming old! I never want to get old!

There were a lot of things I never wanted to do ... But I did. There's no excuses for any of if because I wouldn't have done it I'm the first place. I have re wrote my book when I made it into a blog because I wanted to sugar coat it, I didn't want everyone to know me 100% after all how can anyone know me that well when I'm still trying to figure me out! I'm learning from previous mistakes and taking control of what I want to happen. Of course I'm going to make mistakes, everyone does! But as long as it's not one I should have learned from before its okay.

My dads saying is 'don't think... Know' well dad your advice has worked! And now I know, I am proud of me! I'm proud of everything I have came through even if anyone else isn't. I'm proud for 1. Writing a book and putting pen to paper, 2. Uploading it online and sharing it with people and 3. Feeling as though I have overcome my fear of letting people get to know me. I was nervous to let everyone have an insight into how I feel and what I've been through but now I've shared it all and the only way is up.

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