Monday 28 October 2013


Don't call me crazy, stupid, mad or full on. To me that's all normal, it's something that my head thinks is right and it's a part of me. You may think I over react to things or I'm full on but to me that's the right way to go about it all. When you know me as well as you'll ever need to you'll realise that everything I do is nature to me, it's not me going off on one because it's just the way I deal with things. I don't have to put up with people who constantly put me down and call me things which to me make no sense to me. Is this putting you off me? Making you think I'm 'crazy' ? Because I've had enough of all them names being thrown at me ... I'm me! And like I've said before ... I'm NOT perfect, I've never claimed to be. Learn to love my flaws or don't love me at all.

I'm not going to change for anyone because in my head I'm reacting the same way that you should... If you cared as much as i do. Okay so I'm obviously not right for anyone I've met so far but that doesn't bother me because they haven't been right for me either. Deal with me or don't but just don't waste my time letting me think you care. Don't make me feel 100 feet tall to just knock me down again. If you think I'm mad what do you think your negativity towards me is going to achieve? I'm my worst critic and I don't need anyone else to try and compete for that role.

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